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News & Blog

17/11/14 Using CereProc Voices with Final Draft

Good quality text to speech is a valuable resource for writing and editing, from books and plays to essays. Kendall Castor-Perry, a.k.a. 'TheFilterGuy', has written a useful piece on using CereProc's voices with the screenwriting program Final Draft, here.

Send us a tweet to tell us how you use TTS as part of your creative process!

08/10/14 October is International AAC Awareness Month

The International Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication (ISAAC) has chosen “Discovering Communication” as the theme for this year's International AAC Awareness Month.

01/08/14 CereProc Goes to the Opera

August in Edinburgh is a wonderfully chaotic thing, with seven festivals and thousands of shows taking up every last potential performance space in the city for a month - the most famous of the seven of course being the Fringe. It was really only a matter of time until we decided to grab some of the limelight for ourselves. We're donning our top hat and tails and we're off to the opera, as CereProc's cast of voices take to the stage in Kevin Jones' 'Your Call...'.

21/07/14 CereProc CTO Chris Pidcock on BBC 5 Live

Last week CereProc's CTO Chris Pidcock was featured on the BBC Radio 5 morning show 'Wake Up to Money'. Up for discussion was the rising importance of the technology sector in the Scottish economy, and Chris joined Mark Logan, the COO of our Edinburgh neighbours Skyscanner, to give an insider's perspective. Scotland’s' software and IT industries now employ 70,000 people and generate £4bn a year, representing around 5% of total Scottish gross domestic product (GDP).

Listen again here (skip to around 02:57:10)

14/07/2014 5 Applications of Text to Speech in Video Games

Gaming has never been bigger business. Ever-more elaborate and sophisticated titles are being released all the time. Cutting-edge technologies are not only being deployed in game development, but are being researched and produced directly as a result of that development, as we've seen with innovations like Oculus Rift. CereProc has worked with large games studios around the world to bring our technology to a number of exciting projects, and we wanted to share with you a few of the ways in which text to speech can be used both in development, and to enhance the gaming experience.

23/06/2014 CereProc partner with Swiss robotics group Devanthro

CereProc partner with Swiss robotics group Devanthro to deliver speech synthesis for humanoid robots

CereProc have donated seven TTS voices in German, French, Spanish, Italian, Brasilian Portuguese, and US and Irish English to the Devanthro Society. Devanthro co-ordinates the research efforts around the development of 'anthropomimetic' robots - inspired by natural optimisations observed in the study of human biology and evolution. The voices will be used to speech-enable 'Roboy', Devanthro's flagship childlike android.

15/05/2014 CHI 2014 Best Talk Award for CereProc's Matthew Aylett

Congratulations to CereProc's Chief Scientific Officer Matthew Aylett, who received the People's Choice Best Talk Award at CHI 2014 in Toronto for his presentation: 'None of a CHInd: Relationship Counselling for HCI and Speech Technology.'

09/05/14 CereProc text-to-speech at the frontline of new NHS telephone service

CereProc's flagship Scottish voice Stuart is the first point of contact for patients calling the new NHS telephone advice service in Scotland: 'NHS 111'.

01/05/14 The digital future of health and social care

At April's Digital Health conference (dHealth) in Stirling, industry insiders gathered to discuss a worrying fact: our current healthcare system will not be able to cope with our aging population. Talks focused on the provision of remote care for the elderly, cutting down on avoidable routine visits to the hospital and GP, and reducing the need for home visits by carers. This not only saves a small fortune in financial terms, it allows for more efficient use of staff time.

04/04/14 MyMyRadio: A free social music app powered by CereProc text-to-speech

MyMyRadio logoWe all know someone who finds it impossible to tear their eyes away from their phone - whether they're "working hard" on the stationary bike at the gym or leaving a risotto to fuse itself with the bottom of a saucepan on the hob. Perhaps that even describes you.