Voice Demo

Voice Demo

Explore the most natural and diverse text to speech voices on the market!

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Actualités & Blog

01/06/2011 - TTS-Hersteller, bei dem auch die Kundennähe „stimmt“

TTS-Hersteller, bei dem auch die Kundennähe „stimmt“
Nur bei SpeechConcept: Text-to-Speech-Entwicklung und Support Made in Germany

Heidelberg/Rhein-Neckar-Kreis, im Juni 2011/pz

01/07/2011 - Neues TTS-Portal: www.computerstimme.com

Neues TTS-Portal: www.computerstimme.com
Text-to-Speech auf einen Klick

Heidelberg/Rhein-Neckar-Kreis, 1. Juli 2011/pz

Wo finde ich angenehme Computerstimmen? Kann ich sie anhören? Welche Version kann ich für meine Anwendung einsetzen? Wer kann eine individuelle Text-to-Speech-Stimme für unsere Unternehmens – CI herstellen? Wer sich diese Fragen schon gestellt hat, wird sich über das neue TTS-Portal freuen, das SpeechConcept kürzlich gelauncht hat.

09/08/2011 - CereProc on Radio 4

This week CereProc is featured in a BBC Radio 4 documentary, Giving the Critic Back His Voice. CereProc is already well know for creating a voice for film critic Roger Ebert. Songwriter and broadcaster Ricky Ross investigates the voice creation process, and discovers how voice cloning can help people with degenerative illnesses to preserve their voices for the future.

The programme is available to listen again on the BBC Radio 4 website.

28/07/2011 - New CereProc Scottish male voice

CereProc's new Scottish male voice, Stuart, has now been released.

It is available from the CereProc webstore for both Windows: http://www.cereproc.com/en/node/458 and Mac OSX: http://www.cereproc.com/en/node/459.

The Windows versions of the voice are supported on both 32bit and 64bit versions of Windows. All CereProc's OSX voices are now supported on OSX Lion.

28/06/2011 - New CereProc American male voice

CereProc's new American male voice, Adam, has now been released.

It is available from the CereProc webstore for both Windows: http://www.cereproc.com/en/node/445 and Mac OSX: http://www.cereproc.com/en/node/446.

The Windows versions of the voice are supported on both 32bit and 64bit versions of Windows. 64bit versions of other CereProc voices will be released shortly.

27/04/2011 - CBS News article on synthesized speech

CBS News published this article: http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2011/04/26/scitech/main20057552.shtml discussing developments in synthesized speech, and in particular, CereProc's work with Roger Ebert. Matthew Aylett, CTO of CereProc, was interviewed for the article.

14/04/2011 - Roger Ebert at TED2011

Roger Ebert gave a great talk at TED2011, in which he discussed remaking his voice. You can hear samples of the voice built for him by CereProc during the course of the talk.

08/03/2011 - NYTimes blog on CereProc and Roger Ebert

Jennifer 8 Lee blogs in the New York Times on CereProc, Roger Ebert and Comic Delivery, using text to speech. You can read her blog here:


26/01/2011 - CereProc on ABC News

ABC News highlighted CereProc's work to build a new voice for Roger Ebert in an article about Roger's new TV show. You can read the feature here:
