Voice Demo

Voice Demo

Explore the most natural and diverse text to speech voices on the market!

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Actualités & Blog

06/03/2014 World Book Day 2014: Whose line is it anyway?

26/02/2014 None of a CHInd: Relationship Counselling for HCI and Speech Technology (CHI 2014 Teaser)

CereProc's CSO Matthew Aylett has been busy getting ready to go to CHI in Toronto, where he will be presenting 3 papers. As well as a paper on augmented audio and a workshop paper, Matthew will be giving a fun talk in alt.chi about the often difficult relationship between HCI and speech technology. You can read the abstract and watch a short teaser trailer below:

19/02/2014 CereProc adds Brazilian Portuguese to its range of text to speech voices.

Following November's release of a female Portuguese voice, Lúcia, CereProc are pleased to announce the release of a male Brazilian Portuguese voice, Gabriel. Gabriel is the latest addition to a diverse range of languages and accents available for download and deployment across multiple platforms.

The voice can be heard in the live demobar at the top of this page and is available for download from the CereProc store for both Windows and Mac OSX.

17/02/2014 CereProc's Chief Scientific Officer Matthew Aylett on Speech Synthesis Personification Technology in Spike Jonze's film 'Her'

The film Her explores the relationship between self, technology and love in terms of a relationship between a lonely man and his computerised personal assistant, a sort of super Siri with the husky, beautiful voice of Scarlet Johansson, and full artificial intelligence, called Samanth

17/02/2014 CereProc featured in The Telegraph: 'How do you teach a computer to speak like Scarlett Johansson?'

CereProc's chief engineers spent some time talking to The Telegraph about the technology behind Scarlett Johansson's husky human-machine speech interface in Spike Jonze's critically acclaimed film Her.

You can read the article here:


And don't forget to tweet us your thoughts! @cereproc

13/02/2014 CereProc's Social Music App MyMyRadio on Evolver.fm

Latest News

The CereProc team have been working on an exciting secret project: 'MyMyRadio'. MyMyRadio is a social music app for iOS, which takes updates from your Facebook, Twitter, and RSS feeds, synthesizes them using CereProc's text to speech technology, and slots these spoken updates into a playlist of your own music periodically. It's just like having your own personal DJ.

29/01/2014 - Welcome to the new website

Welcome to the updated CereProc site! We've had a bit of a freshen up, and made some improvements too. Mobile and tablet support is much improved, and the live demo is now more accessible and also works on mobile devices. Products have been categorised as For Business, For Developers, and For Individuals, to help speed up finding the right voice software.

20/01/2014 - Scottish Technology: Silicon Glen's role in the independence debate

2014 is the year of the referendum on Scottish independence, and everyone is talking about the Scottish economy – in particular, how it might fare if Scots vote to make the break. The majority of discussions come back to energy; Scotland has no doubt got more than its fair share of natural resources and renewables. But what of its man-made resources? Scotland's software and electronic publishing sector makes an enormous contribution to the economy, employing over 19,000 people and contributing just under £1bn, earning the affectionate nickname “Silicon Glen”.

20/12/2013 - A Very Cer-ry Christmas

There have been more exciting goings-on for CereProc in the last leg of 2013 than you could shake a sleigh bell at: