08/10/14 October is International AAC Awareness Month
The International Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication (ISAAC) has chosen “Discovering Communication” as the theme for this year's International AAC Awareness Month.
One of the most popular ways of getting involved is the 24 Hour "Non Speech Challenge". During that time, only alternative means of communication, such as writing, symbols, gestures, and text to speech applications can be used. The aim is to improve both personal and public understanding of the obstacles faced by a person who cannot talk, and the impact that communication difficulties have on daily life.
We'd love to hear from any CereProc text to speech voice users who will be participating in the Non Speech Challenge, or other events, as part of AAC Awareness Month. Tweet us to let us know what you're up to.
For inspiration on other creative ways to get involved, visit ISAAC's AAC Awareness Month website.