Voice Demo

Voice Demo

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Ultime notizie & blog

11/02/2013 - CereProc's Wonder Emporium of Text-to-Speech - Hubavubing Fubun Wubith Lubangubuage (Having fun with language)

Pig Latin Voice Search for Android Announced by Google's Siknah Chehab.

06/02/2013 - Let 2013 be the year of improved accessibility to education and public resources!

Improving an individual's quality of life is one of the most valuable applications of sophisticated text-to-speech (TTS) technology. Every individual is able to reap the benefits of intelligently applied TTS. Whether enabling a sufferer of Motor Neurone Disease (MND) to be able to gain further independence through improved access to public services, or indeed someone simply seeking ways to improve their productivity using their mobile device while studying or multitasking, multichannel text-to-speech offers a diverse range of useful applications.

05/02/2013 - CereProc's Wonder Emporium of Text-to-Speech - I Said What?!

There is a more sinister use of text-to-speech technology than the traditional IVR and accessibility applications - to alter what a person has actually said. Dangerous, huh?

31/01/2013 - CereProc's Wonder Emporium of Text-to-Speech - Beastly Antics

There are two monkeys in a bath. One says "Ooh ooh ah ah ah!" The other says "If its too hot, put some cold in!"

24/01/2013 - CereProc's Wonder Emporium of Text-to-Speech - Don't Get Mad, Get Snippy

But some emotions don't make a lot of noise. It's hard to hear pride. Caring is real faint - like a heartbeat. And pure love why, some days it's so quiet, you don't even know it's there.
Erma Bombeck (American Humorist)

22/01/2013 - CereProc's Wonder Emporium of Text-to-Speech - Cloning Voices

Anytime anybody impersonates you, it's a great compliment.
Robert Wagner (Film Actor)

Opening CereProc's Wonder Emporium of Text-to-Speech

Everything becomes a little different as soon as it is spoken out loud.
Hermann Hesse

Sometimes, we all need a little light reading to explore further than current projects demand. In this series of blogs - our Wonder Emporium - we'll share some of the more unusual aspects of text-to-speech that are close to CereProc's heart. Because for us, it isn't what speech technology does today, it's what it will be doing tomorrow that excites our team.

08/01/2013 - CereProc gives Jason Bradbury robot - RoboJase - his own voice on The Gadget Show

Showcasing some of the best and most innovative Scottish companies, and looking into the work being done throughout the country, last night's episode of tech TV heavyweight The Gadget Show was fantastic, and of course we're delighted to have been involved, and have our speech synthesis technology featured during the 'tech travel' segment presented by hosts Pollyanna Woodward and Jason Bradbury.

14/12/2012 - Multicultural smartphones with personality: CereProc's Android apps deliver diverse range of English language accents

The English speaking world boasts a huge number of colourful accents. Here at CereProc, we believe this should be celebrated and as a result, are committed to moving text-to-speech away from the unnatural voices with starchy British accents that are typically applied to synthetic speech output.