Voice Demo

Voice Demo

Explore the most natural and diverse text to speech voices on the market!

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Ultime notizie & blog

14/05/2015 Text To Speech in Skype

Recently Skype set out to improve their accessibility for their users by adding new features such as adding text to speech. Now users are able to use CereProc's TTS voices during their Skype call.

To use CereProc's TTS voice just follow these instructions:

01/05/2015 CereProc and Jisc TechDis

In 2012, CereProc and Jisc TechDis worked together to produce two TTS voices Jack and Jess, to encourage the use of text to speech tools among, students, staff and life long learners throughout the education system in England. The TTS voices are free to education users and can help enhance the learning process.

28/04/2015 CereProc Working with MND Scotland on Voice Cloning Service

CereProc have been working with MND Scotland to raise awareness of our voice cloning service: CereVoice Me.

16/04/2015 CereProc Heads To CHI 2015

For those who are not familiar with CHI, it is a premier international conference on Human Computer Interaction held every year, CHI 2015 will be held in Seoul, Korea on the 18th - 23rd April, 2015.

31/03/2015 CereVoice 3.2

The latest version of the award winning CereVoice text to speech systems has just been launched by CereProc.

The new version release 3.2 has been launched following CereProc's successful projects with Intel and other partners.

The latest version of CereVoice offers even higher quality, more natural sounding voices by using 48khz sampling rates and a range of quality improvements in other areas

CereVoice 3.2 offers:

11/03/2015 Latest TTS Project!

CereProc is delighted to announce our latest project: a Gaelic text to speech voice for the Scottish public sector, in collaboration with Call Scotland.

05/02/2015 CereProc Customers Using Natural Reader

For those who have downloaded the paid version of Natural Reader and have asked if CereProc's text to speech voices works within the TTS software, the answer is Yes.

We recently had some positive feedback from one of our customers, telling us about their delight:

"I’ve downloaded the Jess voice, and it works perfectly with Natural Reader 13 (paid version). Sounds good, too!"

20/01/15 Text To Speech in Oscar Nominated Film

The answer to pick up a dreary January: awards season. It's a chance to place bets on who is going to win the best actor/actress or the film to be crowned as best picture.

08/01/2015 Dyslexia And Text-To-Speech

The word dyslexia is derived from Greek, it translates as “difficulty with words”.

Dyslexia affects an individual’s learning, such that they may struggle in areas such as reading, spelling, writing and speaking. The British Dyslexia Association found that 10% of the current UK population has dyslexia.

23/12/14 It's Been A Jolly Good Year

2014 has been a busy year for CereProc and with only days to go before Christmas, here are some highlights:

First off the website has been freshened up and improved for our users. We love the new look and, more importantly, our users do too. Navigating the site and finding information has never been easier.