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04/04/14 MyMyRadio: A free social music app powered by CereProc text-to-speech

MyMyRadio logoWe all know someone who finds it impossible to tear their eyes away from their phone - whether they're "working hard" on the stationary bike at the gym or leaving a risotto to fuse itself with the bottom of a saucepan on the hob. Perhaps that even describes you. And who could blame you - genuine university research has shown that checking Twitter is harder to resist than cigarettes or alcohol. In a world where people are seriously settling restaurant bills according to who was first to cave and reach for their phone, the take-home message is that most of us could stand to rethink the way in which we engage with digital content.

As always, the CereProc team had a hunch that text-to-speech could be the solution, and that's where our new app MyMyRadio comes in. Like a personal radio DJ, MyMyRadio curates a playlist of your favourite tracks and periodically delivers you live spoken updates from Facebook, Twitter, and customised RSS news. Using CereProc's high-quality, characterful text-to-speech voices to synthesize these updates brings everything together in a single audio stream. In this way, we're offering up a more passive way to consume social media and news, while making sure listeners stay in the loop with the news that matters most to them.

MyMyRadio is available to download for free from the iTunes store.