Voice Demo

Voice Demo

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09/05/14 CereProc text-to-speech at the frontline of new NHS telephone service

CereProc's flagship Scottish voice Stuart is the first point of contact for patients calling the new NHS telephone advice service in Scotland: 'NHS 111'.

Scots in need of out-of-hours urgent medical advice are now able to make free calls to the publicly-run and nurse-led NHS telephone facility formerly known as NHS 24. The service, which previously cost the price of a local phone call, takes 1.5 million calls per year from patients seeking help. CereVoice Stuart greets and calmly guides each caller through to a highly-trained adviser, making excellent use of CereProc's natural-sounding text-to-speech technology.

NHS 24 Chief Executive John Turner said: “NHS 24 has been serving the people of Scotland for more than ten years now and the move to a freephone number represents the next stage in the development of the country’s provider of telehealth and telecare services.”