01/08/14 CereProc Goes to the Opera
August in Edinburgh is a wonderfully chaotic thing, with seven festivals and thousands of shows taking up every last potential performance space in the city for a month - the most famous of the seven of course being the Fringe. It was really only a matter of time until we decided to grab some of the limelight for ourselves. We're donning our top hat and tails and we're off to the opera, as CereProc's cast of voices take to the stage in Kevin Jones' 'Your Call...'.

The phone rings. She answers. It's one of those automated calls – a synthetic voice jabbering away. But this time it’s different. This time the voice seems to know things about her that it shouldn’t. Then there are more voices, and more voices and she finds herself plunged into a crowd of synthetic characters all vying for her attention, peppering her with questions and not always agreeing on just what it is they want to know. The synthetic voices may not make a lot of sense but they all seem to have an agenda of their own, if she can only figure out what that is.
Kevin & co. are currently running a crowdfunding campaign to help grow 'Your Call...' into a fully-fledged evening-length performance.
Part 1 will be performed at the Tête à Tête Opera Festival in London, August 7 & 8, 2014. You can book tickets here
Be sure to tweet us if you go! @cereproc